Raw Espresso Coffee Cream Bars

Raw Espresso Coffee Cream Bars
This is a food allergy-friendly coffee shop that is free of milk and free of beans with a combination of chocolate and coffee flavors. This Vegan Bar has an ice cream texture that is also gluten free with pumpkin seed skin.

  • Cup Date Packaged
  • a pinch of salt is optional
  • 1 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tablespoons of hot water

White Filling Base
  • 1 date paste Tbsp
  • 2 cups coconut cream (not milk)
  • 4 teaspoons instant espresso powder

Fill Chocolate Coffee
  • 4 teaspoons Dutch cacao powder
  • 4Tbsp sticky date
  • 4 teaspoons instant espresso powder

Chocolate Coating
  • 2 tablespoons of maple syrup
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • 4 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 2½ Tbsp Dutch cacao powder

Cut rough dates with hot water in a food processor until small pieces remain. Add pumpkin seeds and chop until small pieces are left. Press the mixture into an 8x8 baking sheet coated with baking paper and put it in the freezer.

Base filling white
Mix palm paste and coconut cream using a mixer. Separate each piece of stubborn date paste with a fork. Mix until the paste is added. Reserve ¼th of all white bases in a small bowl. Cover with plastic until needed. (You can refrigerate but must be brought back to room temperature before adding to the top filling coffee)

Fill Chocolate Coffee
Start with the remaining white mat in the same bowl. Add 4Tbsp of date palm paste, chocolate and espresso powder and stir until smooth, mash the dates palm paste.
Pour the mixture on the base of the frozen crust. Put it back in the freezer for 1-2 hours or until set before adding the next layer.

White Coating
Apply the ordered white base evenly to all layers of coffee. Work quickly before the cream hardens and sets. Place it back in the freezer to set it firmly.

Chocolate Coating.
Heat coconut oil, maple syrup, and vanilla in a safe bowl by microwave. Mix in chocolate and immediately pour over the espresso bar. You have to work quickly to make the layers even. Place it back in the freezer.
Cut the bar and enjoy! Store in the freezer until needed.

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