Chocolate Rocky Road Bombe Recipe

Chocolate Rocky Road Bombe Recipe

Prepare: 35 Mins
Total Time: 2 Hrs 30 Mins

  • 30g is ready to roll icing green
  • 35g gold syrup
  • 250 g of digestive biscuits, crushed
  • 170g raisins and cranberry mixture
  • 160g dried apricots, cut into four pieces
  • 180g salted butter
  • 60 g whole almonds, roughly cut
  • 240g dark chocolate, broken into pieces
  • Mini Marshmallow 50g pink and white
  • 175g glasie cherries, halved, plus 3 extras left for decoration
  • 100 g of white chocolate, chopped

  1. Put the butter, syrup, and dark chocolate into a heat-resistant bowl placed on a pan filled with water that is barely boiling, make sure the water does not touch the bowl, and heat until everything has melted. Remove the bowl from the heat and stir until evenly mixed. Add biscuits, a mixture of raisins and cranberries, cherries, apricots, and almonds. Mix well and allow to cool slightly before adding marshmallows. Stir gently to combine.
  2. Take a 20cm diameter bowl (about 10cm high) and straighten it completely with 2 layers of clingfilm, leaving the overhangs on the edges so you can remove it later. Spoon the chocolate mixture into a bowl and pat it down well. Cover with cling film and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  3. After setting, remove the clingfilm film cover. Tip a rocky path out by placing a plate (or cutting board) on a bowl and turning the bowl onto the plate. Tap the bowl and the bomb should easily fall to the plate, flat side down.
  4. Put the white chocolate in a heat-resistant bowl placed on a pan filled with water that is barely boiling, make sure the water does not touch the bowl, and heat until it melts. Remove the bowl from the heat and stir until evenly mixed. Let it cool for 2 minutes before carefully scooping it in the middle of a cold bomb (cold will help the chocolate set before it flows along the sides). Add 3 glacé cherries ‘berries’ to the center. Shape icing fondant into holly leaves, add to the bombe and leave for 30 minutes before serving.
  5. Delicious twists: Soak dried fruit in 3 tablespoons of cherry liqueur or amaretto overnight for the adult version of the bomb. This recipe is easily adapted for all your favorite flavors - try adding chopped, stem ginger, pistachios, or beehives for different flavors. Try using leftover orange chocolate instead of regular chocolate for a fruit touch.

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