Morning Detox Tea Recipes For Healthy Body And Glowing Skin

Morning Detox Tea Recipes For Healthy Body And Glowing Skin

Detox is the best way to clean our system completely. Our body collects a lot of poisons, thanks to junk food, water, unhygienic food, fat etc.

Eliminating toxins from our body has never been so easy, drinking every day can really make us beautiful not only from the inside but also from the outside. So if you want to have radiant skin and a healthy body, I will tell you some detox recipes, from which you can choose your favorite one and include it in your daily life:

1. Lemon and ginger tea Recipe :
Lemon juice is very good ingredient to cleanse out the system and ginger too has anti-inflammatory benefits. It helps to keep your skin clear and acne free. Ginger eases gas and bloating and does help with motion sickness. It helps in healthy sweating which is again another way of detoxification.
What you need:
          Lemon juice- from 1/2 lemon
          Boiling water or organic green tea -1-2 cups
          honey – ½ tablespoon
          Ginger – 1 inch

Recipe – Brew a cup of green tea along with slices of ginger and allow it to steep for 5-10 minutes. Mix in the lemon juice and honey and consume this drink in the morning to get the best benefits from it.

2. Green Tea Detox Recipe:
Green tea is packed with antioxidants called polyphenols, which possibly have detoxifying effects and the amount of antioxidants in green tea is more than any other tea.
What You Need:
          2 Cups Purified Water, near boiling
          1 bag Green Tea
          1/4 teaspoon Turmeric
          1 inch long Cinnamon stick

Recipe: Add the spices and teabag into your teacup and pour in the hot water for your tea. Steep the tea as directed on the box. Remove the teabag and stir until the spices are fully dissolved. You can experiment with different healing spices until you find a blend that you like.


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